WINOT OU Certification for 2024

As a responsible and a reliable business partner, WINOT OU pays close attention to all the requirements placed on the companies that are involved in supply, technical and crew management of vessels as well as to other various aspects of maritime trade.
Safety and Compliance certifications are very important part of modern management in the maritime trade, encompassing various aspects of company activities and, therefore, signal high level of competence and responsibility in company’s business practices to all the potential employees, business partners and other bodies. Working with diverse groups of people in different parts of the world, WINOT OU often has to navigate many regulatory and compliance rules, staying highly effective and efficient business partner in any given area of activity.
WINOT OU team is proud to announce that all the vessels as well as shore departments have successfully passed every necessary annual inspection, including various audits of Classification Society regarding MLC Compliance, Safety Management Certification, various environmental protection rules compliance, ISO compliance, etc. As a company that provides crew management services, WINOT OU pays close attention to all the necessary certifications as well as new updates in the field of Maritime Labor protections and requirements.
As is customary to expect, WINOT OU upholds high level of performance in its chosen activities, remaining a reliable and fruitful business partner and a responsible member of international business world.